Health E-News Columns

Your (primary care) doctor may have information the hospital staff can’t know, and can call the staff to inform their treatment decisions.

Allow yourself to be cared for.

Start with your most significant problem.

1.61 million Medicare patients were enrolled in a hospice system for at least one day in 2019.

The pain with spinal stenosis can be a quantum leap from that of routine lower back pain.

Common causes of decreased kidney function are hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis, overuse of certain medications, and genetic conditions.

In the United States, more than 50 million adults, about 1 in 5, suffer from pain that’s been present for over 6 months.

What we now have is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

Allergies are the sixth leading cause of illness in the United States.

So far, death from COVID-19 after either re-infection or vaccination is incredibly rare.