Tech E-News Columns

If the metaverse becomes as stimulating as smartphones or video games have become, we will need to be on guard to ensure we don’t abandon our tangible world for a virtual one.

Two of the most popular cross-platform messaging apps are WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

It’s important to be sure staff members update system software on their computers on a regular basis.

There are persons on the Internet whose intent is not seek our betterment or help us to navigate the future.

The slower but more effective way is to start by looking inward.

It’s a good idea to immediately delete accounts of former staff and volunteers.

Think of your phone as a window or viewer of your data, and not the repository of it.

There are opportunities to give and receive blessings even in a pandemic.
An activity that is enjoyable is likely to be practiced more frequently.
There are persons on the Internet whose intent is to not seek our betterment or help us to navigate the future.